IT Work Environment
In creating a Html, the server needs the file index.html for accessing the file. This file should be in the folder ../public/..
The group permissions for public is x for for execution
Creating the simplest form of a homepage using one almost nothing in it..
- create the folder "public_html"
- set the permission to be executed
- create a "index.html" in that folder and open it with a text editor
- write the following html code...
Hellow world
nb: html might
- give the file permission 744
- to access this your web browser..navigate to your server, and to your username
- in our case... it
To style your text
Hellow world
notice the position of the "tag HEAD"
It should be included after before the body. UTF-8 is used for localized characters, in this case, its the best for Polish chars.
Creating an Interactive Table
In the Body write the following html code
<TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" COLSPAN="2"> Header text </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="300" VALIGN="TOP"> </TD>
<TR> <TD COLSPAN="2"> </TD> </TR>
TD- creates a new cell
WIDTH="960"- can also be writen as a percent e.g WIDTH="80%" according to the screen size
--end of lesson--
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